Monday, March 22, 2010

Stewart Udall has passed

Stewart Udall has passed away. Udall served as a congressman from Tucson before being named Interior Secretary under Kennedy and then Johnson. Udall also received both his bachelors and law degress form the University of Arizona. Udall played a key political role in the growing US conservation movement in the 1960's and helped preserve wide swaths of federal land including Point Reyes and Cape Cod National Seashores along with Canyonlands, Redwood and North Cascades National Parks, among others. Udall was also key in helping protect air, land and water resources throguh the passage of the Clean Air and Water Acts as well as the National Environmental Protection Act.

Matt Garcia over at Hydro-logic has a nice tribute to Udall and the New York Times as always has a thorough obituary of Stewart Udall, his life and his contributions.

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